Monday, May 19th – 6pm
Cornelia Street Café
29 Cornelia Street, between Bleecker & West 4th
Subway Stop – West 4th Street
Tonight, four writers with recent books to their credit will read – Ruth Crocker, Anna Evans, Robert Moulthrop, and Jo Pitkin.
Ruth W. Crocker’s essays and other nonfiction writing have been recognized in Best American Essays and nominated for a Pushcart Prize. She is the author of several magazine and journal articles that have been featured in The Gettyburg Review, Grace Magazine, 0-Dark-Thirty, T.A.P.S. Magazine, and The Saturday Evening Post. She graduated from the Bennington Writing Seminars in the winter of 2011. Crocker’s memoir, Those Who Remain: Remembrance and Reunion After War, will be published in 2014. She lives in Mystic, Connecticut and, on the web, can be contacted at
V. Hansmann, host
$8 cover includes a drink